The 1926 census of Ireland will be released in the Republic of Ireland in April 2026.
Until then, this page records the hopes and ultimate disappointment for an earlier release date after the Irish government approved such a move in 2012. That plan, sadly, was never actioned, and it was finally accepted there would be no early release.
Any news or developments as we count down to the release will be noted at the bottom of the page.
In 1926, five years after the Partition of Ireland split the island into two distinct political entities, two censuses were taken. This page relates to the 1926 census taken across the 26 counties that comprise the Republic of Ireland.
The 1926 Census of Northern Ireland has not survived.
Summary: The early release of Ireland's 1926 census returns was originally approved by the Irish Government, according to a statement by (then) Heritage Minister Jimmy Deenihan on 9 March 2012.
While there were clearly, even at this stage, some hoops to jump through (not to mention some behind-the-scenes crossing of fingers), it was initially considered likely that the process to release this wonderful resource to the public would continue. But by mid-2013 most genealogists had reluctantly accepted that an early release was becoming less and less likely.
By mid-2015, after two years of inaction, silence and even a change of minister, only those of an extremely positive disposition really believed it would happen.
By early 2016, even they had started to give up hope. Some diehard optimists, in ever declining numbers, refused to give up...
Below is the history of the campaign to get the records released before their official 2026 release date.
Responding to a question raised in the Daíl, Heritage Minister Jimmy Deenihan said: "The legislation [to digitise the census] has been approved by the Cabinet. Following its enactment, I will have to come up with the resources to implement it. I cannot start the process until the enabling legislation has been passed. It is hoped it will be ready in June or July."
Steven Smyrl, executive liaison officer of the Council of Genealogical Organisations in Ireland, was delighted to learn of the Minister's statement.
"This is terrific news," he said. "It more than justifies the long campaign which CIGO had led to convince those responsible that the 1926 Irish census returns are an invaluable source for the history and genealogy of the Irish people.
"The returns, compiled 86 years ago, amount to a family snapshot taken just after a succession of tumultuous events in the history of this island. First the Great War, then the 1916 Rising, quickly followed by the War of Independence, partition and the creation of the State and then the fateful civil war!"
The legislation is still not in place, although the Minister continues to say that the Government is behind the plan to release the records before 2016.
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With no sign of progress, concerns began to be expressed during the summer that the plan had stalled. Some were of the opinion that the issue of 'redaction' (see right hand column) was the likely cause of the delay and could possibly bring the entire plan to a standstill.
On 1 November, Minister Deenihan assured representatives of the Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations (CIGO) that redaction was not an obstacle to the release of Ireland's 1926 census. He confirmed that he would still like to see the project on course for release in 2016.
Mr Deenihan did, however, indicate that one of the unresolved issues – of itself not directly related to the 1926 census – relates to an ongoing court case involving the Central Statistics Office and access to census data. He indicated that it is still his intention to bring a memo to Cabinet about the 1926 census in the near future. He added that, in the meantime, he would be keen to find ways of funding the preservation, cataloguing and digitation of the original records.
Free online access
is expected to be
part of the package
Free online access
is expected to be
part of the package
Exactly where family historians will be able to access the returns remains to be seen although it is thought unlikely that free online access won't be part of the package.
As to timescale, the Minister has previously said he'd like the resource to be online by 2016, in time for the anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising.
Whether or not any redaction of information (to obscure personal data of people who were children when enumerated) will be insisted upon, is another detail yet to be confirmed.
What is important right now is that plans to release these records have shifted from the wish list towards enactment.
Time marches on and still there's no sign of the legislation being in place anytime soon. At the recent Clare Roots Society Conference 'Gathering the Scattering', the concensus seemed to be that progress had not just stalled, it was almost in retreat.
The issue of the CSO (see 16 November update, above) rumbles on. Realistically, if the legislation is not in place by the end of this year, it is difficult to see the 1926 census of Ireland being available for public consumption by 2016, the date originally set for release.
Three years of silence and inaction later, and already half way through the year originally set for the early release of the 1926 census of Ireland, another Private Members Bill has been introduced to the Dail: the Statistics (1916 Rising Centenary) Bill 2016.
Hand on heart, I cannot see this going anywhere. I've no reason to believe the CSO has changed direction on this issue.
If the PMB is successful, I'll be the first to get the bunting out, but I think it's wise for researchers to expect nothing from this action.
The Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations launched an online petition calling on the Irish Government to release the 1926 Census. It asks for the papers to be released in 1922, the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the nation, to allow for conservation and cataloguing to take place before they are digitised in preparation for online release.
The petition is addressed to Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD, and Heritage Minister Josepha Madigan TD and asks them to renew the commitment of the previous government to the early release of the original 1926 Census returns.
You can read and sign the petition here. It doesn't matter where you live, or what your nationality is... if you want to see Ireland's 1926 census released by 1922, please sign. Only your name and email address are requested.
The Irish government announced funding of €5 million for the digitisation and publication of the 1926 Census of Ireland. Hurrah!
It will be released in April 2026, as originally planned.
The announcement confirmed that the 700,000+ individual returns, which hold the details of 2,971,992 people, will be online, fully indexed and free of charge.
In the meantime you might want to amuse or inform yourself about the society in which your ancestors lived back then. The Central Statistics Office of Ireland has plenty of detail gathered from the census returns.
The National Archives of Ireland (NAI) launched its long-anticipated new online presence in early February. Its plan, as far as was understood by users, was to redesign the interface of its official 'what we do' website at, to update its online catalogue offering, and to present a new home for the NAI's free to access genealogy databases. The latter include all the surviving 19th-century census fragments/returns, the 1901 and 1911 censuses, and, in due course, those from the 1926 census.
Unfortunately, the new site has been launched too early, without adequate testing and while you may find the results you expect, everything from the styling and navigation of the new database to incorrect results being delivered have come in for criticism. If you're curious, go take a look at the new 1901 & 1911 census home page here. Census fragments from 1821, 1831, 1841 and 1851 are here.
In response to the immediate feedback, the NAI will keep the 'old' census databases on its Genealogy Databases website for the next few months. Hopefully in that time they will be able to solve, and cure, the many launch problems.
This new database is intended to be the home of the 2026 census returns when it is released in February 2026.
As in all the earlier censuses, the 1926 census of Ireland required that name and surname, relationship to head of household, marital status, language, age, religion and profession, be provided for each member of a household.
However, this census also collected the following:
Obviously, questions like these help provide us with fabulous detail about our ancestors and may well help many Irish genealogists break down brickwalls or solve family mysteries.
This page will be updated as Ireland's 1926 census progresses to release.